Friday, July 17, 2015

Busy Busy Busy

So a brief sum of things and why you won't be seeing much of me or Sasha.

Sasha and I have been attempting to buy a house. It started out smoothly, but the endgame has been a little rocky. The TL;DR is that we're not sure where we're going to be living come the beginning of August. At the same time we're supposed to be doing to DC for Outwrite DC. So how are we closing, moving, and traveling all at once?

::laughs hysterically::

My parents are very kindly letting us crash with them for a bit. But that still leaves storing our crap and getting closing shit done hours before we have to drive to DC. Then we have to come back and move into the house.

So from about tomorrow (Saturday the 17th) through [date unknown] in August you aren't going to see us much. Because on top of all that we still have a company to run, and there's going to be a brief spate of days where Sasha and I don't have internet.

Don't even get me started on our poor kitties. They're going to throw up on our beds in revenge for like a month straight.

Thank you to all the peeps who have been reading Risk it All, and those who dropped a line to say you liked it :) I do have plans to write stories about Tori's brothers, and you'll see Tori and Rick a little bit in Shield of the Dragon.

Now back to work. Lots to do, lots to do ^^

Everybody have a good weekend! <3 p="">

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